The power of words to love donors and raise $$$

for you

From passionate, money-raising appeals to donor nurture and love, if it’s part of the donor communications journey then we’ve written it at some stage. Below is a list of items we can write to help grow your non-profit’s individual giving program.

20 gifts of $5000 or more when we usually average 1-3 gifts in this range for each appeal.

Sheldon Rankin, CEO, International Needs

Direct mail fundraising appeals that pull in the dollars

Letters, brochures, inserts, lift notes, coupons, envelopes, thank you letters for annual appeals, monthly giving appeals, major donor segment appeals or bequest appeals.

Email series for appeals

EDM series to either complement a multi-channel appeal, or as a standalone campaign.

Donor impact newsletters and report backs

You can't just keep ask, ask, asking without telling donors what you're doing with their money - or they'll stop giving. We write personal, authentic,

High Value Donor Proposals

Project proposals for individual and groups of major donors and mid-level matching appeals.

Cases for Support

At organisational level and also for Trusts & Foundations and HNWI philanthropic support.

Gifts in Wills Collateral

Proposition development, lead generation surveys, Gifts in Wills brochures, direct mail conversion packs and online wills conversion journeys.

RG Collateral

Project proposals for individual and groups of major donors and mid-level matching appeals.

Donor Connection & Lead Generation Surveys

Survey letters, development of lead generation questions, donor identity and wellbeing questions for use.

Donor Onboarding Journeys

To maximise retention and lifetime value.

“An immediate impact with our next appeal seeing a 94.13% increase in fundraising results compared with the same appeal from the previous financial year.”

Matt Keating, Head of Fundraising,
BaptistCare HopeStreet

Frequently asked

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