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- The Agitator
Gets you thinking about the big picture in fundraising - Fundraising Coach
Find usable info on all aspects of fundraising - Fundraising & Philanthropy Australia
Gets you up to speed on fundraising in Australia. Lots of real campaign case studies - Future Fundraising Now
Rants that actually give you practical tips and actions - Kivi’s Non-Profit Blog
Commonsense resource on fundraising communications - Passionate Giving
Simplifies the art and science of major gifts - Sean Triner’s Blog
Big on donor data and what donors actually do - Showcase Of Fundraising Innovation & Inspiration
See the creative from the world’s best fundraising campaigns
Category: Donor communications
Imagine this. As a smart fundraiser, you’ve put together a compelling appeal. It has an emotional story. A tangible offer. And direct asks in all the key places.
Then it goes through the approvals process. The committee thoroughly edits your carefully crafted appeal. The end result sounds like it came from a corporate machine. It’s no longer a warm, personal, emotional message from one person to another.

- PUBLISHED IN Copywriting, Donor communications, Donors, Fundraising, Fundraising appeals
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Although not new, the concept of white saviourism is now an ethical dilemma that has reared its head again for fundraisers.
At the heart of it is the question: how can we fundraise without encouraging white saviour narratives?
Yesterday, Australia Post announced letter delivery would be reduced to once every two days in metro areas.
Along with current delays due to the increase in online shopping parcels, this will obviously affect direct mail to donors. It’s probably too difficult to move forward deadlines for first waves of tax appeals now but consider moving forward second wave deadlines by at least a week.
Before corona, if your mailing was due to hit letterboxes on a Wednesday, you could expect most people in metros areas to receive it by the end of the week or by the following Monday at the latest. Now, to be safe, I would suggest allowing at least a week.
Right now, I’m working on adaptations to charity appeal messaging due to the coronavirus. I know that many charities are struggling with finding the right words to address the pandemic in their communications.
Hence I’ve put together some ideas around communications re the coronavirus. It’s a bit rough and ready but you’ll get the general idea.
I've been in discussions with charities all morning about adapting upcoming appeals in light of the coronavirus. I’m hearing about events cancelled, charity staff moving to work from home, questions about how to process donations if everyone is working remotely.
What nobody is talking about is cancelling direct mail appeals. Which is a good thing even if you don’t raise as much as you normally would.
Fundraising copywriting is one of those professions that everyone thinks they can do better than the person trained in fundraising copywriting.
I’ve been writing fundraising copy for long enough to now need training on how not to do eye rolls when I get ill-informed feedback on our work. (Note I said ill-informed feedback - I welcome feedback that corrects factual errors or makes the creative stronger.)
Seasoned fundraisers know the type of thing I mean.
Get fundraising and copywriting tips, techniques and thoughts straight into your inbox. Grow your income and donor loyalty!
Bonus! You’ll also receive a free in-depth case study on how a copywriting overhaul helped one charity quadruple its income for a key appeal.

- Branding
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- Copywriting
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- Direct mail
- Donor acquisition
- Donor behaviour
- Donor care
- Donor communications
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- Donor-centred language
- Donors
- Email fundraising
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- Fundraising appeals
- Fundraising costs
- Fundraising strategy
- Major gifts
- Multichannel fundraising
- Online fundraising
- Strategy
- Testing
- Uncategorized
Fave Fundraising Sites
- The Agitator
Gets you thinking about the big picture in fundraising - Fundraising Coach
Find usable info on all aspects of fundraising - Fundraising & Philanthropy Australia
Gets you up to speed on fundraising in Australia. Lots of real campaign case studies - Fundraising Success Magazine
Tips and techniques you can use right now in your fundraising - Future Fundraising Now
Rants that actually give you practical tips and actions - Kivi’s Non-Profit Blog
Commonsense resource on fundraising communications - Passionate Giving
Simplifies the art and science of major gifts - Sean Triner’s Blog
Big on donor data and what donors actually do - Showcase Of Fundraising Innovation & Inspiration
See the creative from the world’s best fundraising campaigns