- Branding
- Charity photos
- Charity stories
- Copywriting
- Data
- Design
- Direct mail
- Donor acquisition
- Donor behaviour
- Donor care
- Donor communications
- Donor retention
- Donor-centred language
- Donors
- Email fundraising
- Fundraising
- Fundraising appeals
- Fundraising costs
- Fundraising strategy
- Major gifts
- Multichannel fundraising
- Online fundraising
- Strategy
- Testing
- Uncategorized
Fave Fundraising Sites
- The Agitator
Gets you thinking about the big picture in fundraising - Fundraising Coach
Find usable info on all aspects of fundraising - Fundraising & Philanthropy Australia
Gets you up to speed on fundraising in Australia. Lots of real campaign case studies - Future Fundraising Now
Rants that actually give you practical tips and actions - Kivi’s Non-Profit Blog
Commonsense resource on fundraising communications - Passionate Giving
Simplifies the art and science of major gifts - Sean Triner’s Blog
Big on donor data and what donors actually do - Showcase Of Fundraising Innovation & Inspiration
See the creative from the world’s best fundraising campaigns
When building relationships with donors, it’s surprising how many written pieces you need if you want to build up a full-scale fundraising appeals and communications plan.
Here are some of the things I’ve written for donors and prospects. If you’d like me to work on any of these for your charity or non-profit, then send me an email. If what you want doesn’t appear on this list, shoot me an email anyway – chances are I’ve done it for someone else and can do it for you.
Fundraising copy
Direct mail appeal packs
Letters, brochures, inserts, lift notes, coupons, envelopes – any or all these things may be included. They can be used for annual appeals, monthly giving appeals, major donor segment appeals or bequest appeals.
Direct mail acquisition pieces
Can be full-scale packs or cheaper self-mailers to acquire new donors for your cause.
Thank you letters
An essential but often overlooked part of an appeal or campaign. The way you do this affects how the donor feels about their decision to give to your cause. Are you warm, genuine and excited to have them on board? Or do you send them a dry form letter? (Or nothing at all?!)
New donor welcome packs
Don’t let a new donor lapse because you’ve neglected them! It’s common courtesy to thank a donor when you send a receipt. But it’s nice to further reinforce their giving decision. Tell them more about what you do. Show them other ways to get involved. Set them up for another gift or for a monthly giving ask.
Email/online fundraising
Either standalone or combined with a direct mail appeal, emails can significantly lift the income from an appeal. Also good for prompting action like signing a petition.
Appeal landing pages
Do you want donors to give through your website? Then don’t send them to your home page and make them hunt for a donation page. Instead, give them a landing page written for the specific appeal.
Appeal microsites
An extension of the landing page. You may have lots of information, case studies or multimedia. If so, breaking it up into several pages or tabs in a microsite may be better than writing one very long page. Good for donors or prospects who need lots of information before giving.
Website donation pages
Hallelujah, the donor is about to give! But are you turning donors away rather than helping them through the online giving process?
Donor newsletters
Done well, newsletters are important for nurturing donors. You can thank donors again, report back on how their gifts have been used and invite them to volunteer or participate in events. As long as they’re donor-focused, you can also include messages from the CEO or other program staff.
Donor update letters
Used for specific segments such as major donors or monthly givers who may be funding specific projects or programs.
Telephone scripts
After the skill of the person making calls, a good script is the most essential element of a telefundraising campaign. It needs to sound natural and give the caller flexibility to field questions and objections.
Major donor presentations
When visiting a major gifts prospect, it’s helpful to have a presentation outlining the need, the project that will help solve the problem, the case for support and the ask. Your major gifts officer may not need to follow it exactly or may just refer to important sections as needed. But it’s useful for keeping the conversation on track.
Get fundraising and copywriting tips, techniques and thoughts straight into your inbox. Grow your income and donor loyalty!
Bonus! You’ll also receive a free in-depth case study on how a copywriting overhaul helped one charity quadruple its income for a key appeal.

- Branding
- Charity photos
- Charity stories
- Copywriting
- Data
- Design
- Direct mail
- Donor acquisition
- Donor behaviour
- Donor care
- Donor communications
- Donor retention
- Donor-centred language
- Donors
- Email fundraising
- Fundraising
- Fundraising appeals
- Fundraising costs
- Fundraising strategy
- Major gifts
- Multichannel fundraising
- Online fundraising
- Strategy
- Testing
- Uncategorized
Fave Fundraising Sites
- The Agitator
Gets you thinking about the big picture in fundraising - Fundraising Coach
Find usable info on all aspects of fundraising - Fundraising & Philanthropy Australia
Gets you up to speed on fundraising in Australia. Lots of real campaign case studies - Fundraising Success Magazine
Tips and techniques you can use right now in your fundraising - Future Fundraising Now
Rants that actually give you practical tips and actions - Kivi’s Non-Profit Blog
Commonsense resource on fundraising communications - Passionate Giving
Simplifies the art and science of major gifts - Sean Triner’s Blog
Big on donor data and what donors actually do - Showcase Of Fundraising Innovation & Inspiration
See the creative from the world’s best fundraising campaigns